Stammearbejde for lærere og skoleelever i Rwanda
af Hermann Christmann 3. februar 2021

Arkivbillede fra 2019
Jeg er Stammeforeningens tidligere formand, og har modtaget en mail fra Diedonne i Rwanda. For et par år siden skrev FSD-NYT om Dieudonne og hans store arbejde for børn, der stammer, i Rwanda. I sin nye mail skriver Dieudonne om to ting:
For det første har han lavet en video om arbejdet i Rwanda for skolebørn, der stammer, videoen kan ses på linket:
For det andet samler Dieudonne penge ind, så han kan finansiere arbejdet med at fremstille og uddele pjecer til lærere, så lærerne kan få viden om stammen. Når lærerne ved mere om stammen, er der håb om, at de kan blive mindre brutale over for skoleelever, der stammer.
Linket til indsamlingen er:
Jeg har både har set videoen (det første link) og doneret et beløb (det andet link) – begge dele fungerer upåklageligt. Videoen er i øvrigt meget rørende.

Arkivbillede fra 2019
Her er Dieudonnes mail
(på engelsk – han skriver stort set det samme, som jeg har skrevet på dansk):
I contact you today about the following two points:
- To share with you my short video that I just finished
- To ask you a favor; I would like to ask you to help me boost my fundraising. By inspiring your friends and colleagues to join you in supporting us.
About the first point:
I just finished making a short video. This is an amateur video (I edited it myself) and the video is 6 minute long.
The purpose of this short video is to shed a light on the challenges facing school-aged children who stutter from disadvantaged backgrounds and to give some insights about our efforts for positive change.
We hope that through this short video people will understand this initiative well and will be able to get involved and support it.
Please watch this video, the link is at the end of this email. note that the voice in the video is not my voice, it is the voice-over.
About the second point:
Actually, we are raising funds to support our initiative, which aims to end the bullying and victimization of young children who stutter in school.
Fundraising is underway but is now stuck and I need your help to boost it. By inspiring your friends and colleagues to join you in supporting us.
Our recent goal is to equip 30 new rural primary schools with our translated educational materials on stuttering. To meet this goal, I need to raise three thousand dollars.
The good news is that I have already raised over 50% of this goal. there is only one thousand five hundred dollars left to raise. I must close this fundraiser by the first week of February at the latest.
Please see our fundraising page, the link is at the end of this email.
The links:
Here is the link to my short video:
Here is the link to our fundraising page:

Arkivbillede fra 2019

Arkivbillede fra 2019

Arkivbillede fra 2019

Arkivbillede fra 2019