Mennesker der Stammer
Georg 6. – konge af Storbritanien 1936 – 1952 – Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Han blev uventet konge i 1936, da hans bror, Edvard 8., abdicerede.
Han led af stammen, han pådrog sig i sin tidlige barndom. Da han under 2. verdenskrig skulle holde vigtige taler for nationen, var han dog allerede nået langt med bekæmpelsen af sin stammen. Han havde siden 1926 arbejdet med den med hjælp fra talepædagogen Lionel Logue [1], som beskrevet i storfilmen: Kongens store tale fra 2010.
Derfor stammer Mc Einar
Rapperen Mc Einar fortælleri en ny bog om det taleproblem, der har hæmmet ham siden barndommen.
Læs mere på BT.s´s netavis.
Bertel Haarder blev mobbet i skolen
På TV2 hjemmeside kan du set et klip fra en TV-udsendelse med Cecilie Frøkjær som studievært, hvor Bertel Haarder fortæller om sin stammen, og hvordan han stadig må bruge tricks for at undgå at stamme.
(The above picture was developed by Darrell Dodge and is used with permission. The list that follows was compiled by Judy Kuster from an NSP handout and personal additions from various resources, including Knotted Tongues, a book by Benson Bobrick, and Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders, by Franklin Silverman – with hypertext links to several internet references.)
In the past:
Aesop – Greek storyteller, and a huge collection of his fables
Walter H. Annenberg – publisher, broadcaster, diplomat and philanthropist.
Notker Balbulus (the Stammerer), a Dark Ages monk who played important roles in both plainchant and the development of our calendar.
Balbus Blaesius – A Roman who was in a „freak show.‟ People would give him money to stutter. His last name is the Italian word for stuttering
Clara Barton – Founder of the American Red Cross.
Baudouin the Lannoy, a knight of the golden fleece – portrait by Jan Van Eyck in the State Museum in Berlin.
Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury
Arnold Bennett – British writer and journalist.
Michael Bentine – British comedian, script-writer, and reader of children’s books
Jorge Luis Borges – (1899-1986) was the author of Labyrinths and Ficciones, among other books.
Aneurin Bevan – British Labor Party Leader in 1930’s.
Kenneth E. Boulding – economist
Elizabeth Bowen – Irish writer
Robert Boyle (1627-1691) – British scientist and moral essayist who made important contributions to physics and chemistry and is best known for Boyle’s law
Patrick Campbell – British humorist.
Lewis Carroll – Author of Alice in Wonderland.
Field Marshall Lord Carver – British military leader.
Nicolae Ceausecsu – President of Romania in the 1970’s
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, author of Don Quixote de la Mancha (as cited by Malveena McKendrick, Cervantes, Little, Brown, 1980, p. 21.).
Marc Chagal – 1887-1985 – famous Russian-born artist
General Joshua Chamberlain, one of the heroes of the Battle of Gettysburg and college professor of literature (source: Military History magazine).
King Charles I – King of England, 1625-1649.
Winston Churchill – Prime Minister of Great Britain World War II. – Audio Archive of many of Winston
Churchill’s speeches (Point of information, the following page claims that Churchill did not suffer from stutering, but from a lisp. I have heard and seen video tapes of Churchill. However, there is ample evidence uncovered by Keith Sharp that my cousin (yes he was;-) stuttered, JAK).
Claudius – Roman Emperor.
Ty Cobb – according to a biography, Cobb: A Biography by Al Stump (1994)
Hazen „Kiki‟ Cuyler – a Hall of Fame outfielder for the Pirates in the ’20s. His nickname is pronounced with long I’s; i.e, Ky-Ky. Reason: He was a stutterer, and often pronounced his last name Ky-ky-ler. (posted by Bob Wells on Stutt-l, August 12, 1997)
Nat King Cole – In an interview, Cole biographer, Daniel Epstein states that Cole had a stutter as a child and a bit of a lisp which you can hear in the early recordings in his career. If you want to listen to the interview via Real Audio, open and move the cursor on the Real Audio player a little past midway (I count 10 dots).
Richard Condon – Novelist whose works include The Manchurian Candidate and Prizzi’s Honor.
Charles Darwin – Naturalist and author of The Origin of Species.
Erasmus Darwin – Famous physician, scientist, and grandfather of Charles.
Marion Davies „one of the few silent stars to survive the transition to talkies.‟
Dekanawida – Iroquois Indian leader in the 1500’s
Demosthenes – Greek orator by Plutarch, written 75 A.D. as well as several of the writings/orations of Demonsthenes
Mary Louise „Stuttering Sam‟ Dowell became the most celebrated showgirl in New York City.
Niccolo Fontana, nicknamed Tartaglia(stammerer) because of his speech – an Italian mathematician famous for his algebraic solution of cubic equations. Read about what caused his speech problems and decide for yourself if he stuttered or not.
Harley Earl, one of the most famous car designers ever. (Source: American Heritage magazine).
King George VI – King of England, 1937-1952.
Robert Heinlein – Science fiction writer
Sir John R. Hicks – British economist who received the Nobel price in economics in 1972.
Leigh Hunt a writer of the early Romantic period and a classmate of Charles Lamb.
Henry James – American Novelist.
Thomas Jefferson – President
Washington Irving (author)
Alfred Kazin – author, critic and teacher
Charles Canon Kingsley — English orator, writer, and chaplain to Queen Victoria.
Charles Lamb – British essayist, on his stuttering.
John „Scatman‟ Larkin – jazz musician
by Trinidad contains Songs Of Scatland with many lyrics and several audio files of songs.
An Interview with Scatman John Larkin by Ira Zimmerman.
Amazon has a new MUSIC STORE where you can order Scatman John Larkin’s CDs that haven’t been available in any other music store I’ve checked!
Everybody Jam [IMPORT] by Scatman John, Audio CD (November 29, 1996)
Let It Go [CD-SINGLE] [IMPORT] by Scatman John, Audio CD (June 2, 1997)
Scatman’s World [IMPORT] by Scatman John, Audio CD (August 4,1995)
Philip Larkin – English poet, novelist and critic
Louis II the Stammerer, King of France, 877-879
Henry Luce – Founder of Time magazine and Sports Illustrated
Major General Alexander McDougall of the Continental (U.S.) Army during the American Revolution. He was also a delegate to the Continental Congress, president of the first bank in the state of NY and served in the NY state senate.
Raymond Massey – Actor.
Cotton Mather – Puritan leader and famous preacher.
Somerset Maugham – British writer considered one of the best short story writers of all time, including Of Human Bondage, an autobiographical novel which substitutes a physical disability for the author’s stuttering problem.
Robert Merrill — Opera singer.
Michael II, Byzantine Emperor 820-829,succeeded Leo V to the Byzantine crown in 820, and on his death in 829 was succeeded by his son Theophilus.
Christopher Robin Milne, the original Christopher Robin.
Moses – Hebrew prophet. (Was Moses A Stutterer? by Gerald McDermott 9/19/2013,article on FIRST THINGS,‟America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life‟
Moses Mendelssohn – Grandfather of the composer.
Molotov, the Russian Foreign Minister under Stalin.
Marilyn Monroe – Actress. Marilyn Monroe talks about her stuttering
Garry Moore – game show host – „I’ve Got a Secret‟
Napoleon the First
Jack Harold Paar – US comedian & television host; 1st host of show „The Tonight Show‟ 1957-1962
Kim Philby – British spy.
Elvis Presley – Rock and Roll King
Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) — the English chemist and scholar who identified/discovered oxygen
Ludwig Quidde Nobel Peace Prize recipient, 1927.
Anthony Quinn – Actor.
Michael Ramsey (one hundredth Archbishop of Canterbury)
Theodore Roosevelt
Mario Savio – 1960’s Free Speech leader at Berkeley
Nevil Shute (1900-1960)– English novelist and aeronautical engineer.
John Slaughter – Arizona sheriff in the 1880’s
Jimmy Stewart – Actor.
Alan Turing, founder of computer science.
Kenneth Tynan – Well known British drama critic.
Virgil – Roman poet.
George Washington
The following historical figures from China, are reported to have stuttered in parts of their life. They are provided by Stefan Hoffman.
Guan Zhong (ancient time politician)
Han Feizi (ancient time scholar)
Lu Xun (20 century most famous Chinese writer)
Guo Muoruo (20 century writer)
Zhan Tianyo (Famous railway engineer)
Guang Xu (Emperor of Qing Dynasty)
Contemporary Figures:
Prince Albert of Monaco
Rowan Atkinson – British actor who plays Mr. Bean
Butch Baird – Golfer.
Antonio Bassolino – Mayor of Naples
- F. Bentley – professional photographer – Photographs by PF Bentley: 25 Years of Photojournalism
Senator Joseph Biden, Democrat from Delaware.
Howard Bingham – professional photographer and biographer of Muhammed Ali. Additional information about Bingham’s work.
Arthur M. Blank – co-founder of the Home Depot and owner of the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons
Emily Blunt – actress – winner of Golden Globe
Peter Bonerz – Actor (Jerry the orthodontist) on The Bob Newhart show
Nicolas Brendon, movie star, reports that he stuttered significantly until after high school.
Patrick Campbell – British humorist
Rubin Carter – professional boxer – ‚Hurricane‛ by Tom Tozer relates that Rubin „Hurricane‟ Carter stuttered as a child. Carter’s story, made into a movie starring Danzell Washington, is about a „professional middleweight boxer who was arrested in 1966 for the murder of three whites, sentenced to a triple-life term and finally exonerated in 1988.‟ Tozer’s article states, „As a youngster, Carter used his fists to help dissuade others from laughing at his stuttering.‟ The information about his stuttering is also found here.
Lord David Cecil – Professor of English literature at Oxford in 1950s and author of Melbourne, one of The Board of the Modern Library’s100 Best Nonfiction books of the century
Proinsias De Rossa – a political leader of the Democrat Left in Ireland.
Margaret Drabble – British novelist.
Harley Earl – car designer
Jake Eberts – Film producer (Gandhi, Dances with Wolves)
Noel Gallagher guitarist from the rock band, Oasis.
Gareth Gates – pop star, UK
Mrs. Annie Glenn – Wife of astronaut and Senator John Glenn.
Sidney Gottlieb – controversial CIA psychologist
Horace Grant – Orlando Magic power forward
James Griffin – the producer and presenter of the ABC TV’s Last Word and is an occasional contributor to Books and Writing on ABC Radio National, Australia
Sophie Gustafson, Swedish Professional Golfer who won the Ladies Professional Golf Association British Open, August 2000.
Ron Harper – Current star with the Chicago Bulls. Interesting article – Harper’s struggle with stuttering proves his courage from The Sporting News.
Lester Hayes – Former All-Pro defensive back with the Oakland / Los Angeles Raiders.
Steven Hawking – scientist
Howard Heyman – lab chief for the Newsweek photo lab
Vernon Hill chairman and founder of Commerce Bancorp and Commerce Bank
Edward Hoagland – essayist and contemporary nature writer. The football game in my head US News and World Report article about Edward Hoagland
Bo Jackson – Football and baseball star.
Samuel L. Jackson, movie star, Chill Factor, an article that describes his stuttering.
Tommy John – Former Yankee pitcher.
Ben Johnson – Runner.
Paul Johnson – Detective novelist, author of Killing the Blues
James Earl Jones – Actor. Jones intones
Thomas Kean – Governor of New Jersey from1982-1990
Harvey Keitel – actor
Pat Leahy – N.Y. Jets kicker.
Peggy Lipton – Actress.
Greg Louganis – Olympic diver.
Bob Love – Basketball star with Chicago Bulls in 60’s and 70’s.
Alvin Lucier – American composer
Kenyon Martin, forward for the New Jersey Nets (NBA basketball team).
Michael McCurdy – Book Illustrator / Author / Publisher / wood engraver
Dr. Jonathan Miller – British director and critic.
John Montague – a Northern Irish poet, essayist, and story writer.
Sam Neill – Actor.
Bruce Oldfield – British fashion designer.
Austin Pendleton – Actor.
Adrian Peterson running back for the Chicago Bears.
Byron Pitts – anchor and correspondent for ABC News – Emmy award winner
Alan R. Rabinowitz – conservationist
Eric Roberts, actor
Henry Rogers – Public relations pioneer.
Nino Salvatore – Past president of Medicine at the University of Naples
Budd Schulberg – auther, screenplay – On The Waterfront and musical, What Makes Sammy Run
David Shields – American novelist
Nevil Shute – English novelist and aeronautical engineer
Carly Simon – Singer.
Michael Spinks – light heavyweight boxing champion
Darren Sproles – award winning NFL football player
Jake Steinfeld – Bodybuilder, television fitness trainer
John Stossel – Reporter, ABC’s 20/20.
Peter Straub, horror story author.
Dave Taylor – Former hockey star with the L.A. Kings.
Duane Thomas – a running back for the Dallas Cowboy’s in the early 70’s, according to interview with Larry Merchant, on Real Sports, HBO
Mel Tillis – Country-western singer. An interesting FAX sent to Art Nefsky from Mel Tillis on September 30, 1997, about his stuttering, is online.
Chris Trapper, musician – The Push Stars rock band
Kenneth Tynan – British drama critic
John Updike -Novelist.
Ken Venturi – Golfer. Won U.S. Open in 1961. (An interview with Ken Venturi where he talks about his stuttering.)
Bill Walton – professional basketball player, sportscaster
John F. Welch, Jr. – Chairman of General Electric.
Bruce Willis – Actor.
Robert Wilson – Sculptor and theater director
Bill Withers (1938- ), singer and songwriter, whose first hit, Ain’t No Sunshine, went to number three in 1971, won a Grammy for best R&B song, and was heard in the movie Notting Hill. His biggest hit was Lean on Me, which went to number one in 1972. He also recorded Use Me, which peaked at number two in 1972 and is on the soundtrack to American Beauty. The Gap used his song Lovely Day in its 1999 advertising campaign. Withers married Denice Nicholas, a star on ABC’s TV series Room 222. He was born in Slab Fork, near Beckley. Withers dropped out of school after the ninth grade and spent nine years in the Navy, where he underwent speech therapy to overcome a stuttering problem. After his discharge, he delivered milk and worked for Ford Motor Co., IBM, and Lockheed. from Famous West Virginians
Congressman Frank Wolf, Republican from VA.
Chris Zorich – Chicago Bears‛ lineman.
Controversial and cartoon personalities who stutter
John Melendez, a rock guitarist and interviewer for the controversial Howard Stern show
Porky Pig a Warner Brother’s cartoon character. More information in Wikipedia
Jimmy Volmer a student in the fictional school South Park Elementary in the animated series South Park (information from Wikipedia)
YouTube presentations
People Who Stutter, INSPIRE, by Rebekah and Michael Sugarman featured in an article in the 2010 International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference.
Famous People Who Stutter – website/poster from the Stuttering Foundation.